Small start-ups, firms, and entrepreneurs require good staff to look into accounts. Hiring a talented, very well-educated and experienced person to take care of the company accounts may call for investing tremendous amounts year by year. Hiring a perfect person(s) - especially with the right skills to manage all accounting and bookkeeping operations, analysing the financial data, bank operations, and all other accounts-related work; is a challenging task. The number of accountant(s) required and hired full-fledge incurs a lot of expenditure. It is not only a time-consuming process, but also may or may not be effective in the long run. It consumes a lot of time and occupies a lot of space in bookkeeping and accounting work. Nowadays, hiring a knowledgeable, qualified, and well-experienced person at an affordable rate is even more challenging. At present, many small companies or businesses prefer outsourcing their accounting and bookkeeping services. It is really interesting to k...